
U.S., Mexico, Leaving Canada behind in NAFTA Talks

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

The United States and Mexico are progressing on the North American Free Trade Agreement re-negotiations, leaving Canada behind, for now.

mexicoTop trade officials from Mexico are in the U.S. this week after optimism showed through last week with a potential agreement on automotive rules as part of NAFTA, according to Politico, which notes progress on the contentious issue bodes well for farmers wishing for the certainty a NAFTA 2.0 would promise. As for Canada, however, the nation is largely on the sidelines this week, as an international trade lawyer told Politico that the U.S. is “pretty frustrated with Canada,” accusing them of “foot-dragging.”

President Trump has announced his desire previously to wrap up talks with Mexico before reaching an agreement with Canada, even though Canada and Mexico have also vowed to stick to three-way negotiations. The White House is hopeful progress with Mexico will pressure Canada to act or even concede on trade issues, like it’s dairy supply management system.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.