
Two More Trees Identified HLB-Positive

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Industry News Release, Pest Update

The Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program says two additional trees have tested HLB-positive in Southern California. The trees were not in close proximity to each other; however, both are close to previous huanglongbing (HLB) finds in the region.

From the California Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program:

Two additional trees have been confirmed positive for Huanglongbing (HLB). One tree is located in San Gabriel and the other is in Hacienda Heights, in very close proximity to the original HLB find from 2012. As always, the California Department of Food and Agriculture worked quickly to contact the homeowners and remove the infected trees. The tree in San Gabriel has already been removed, and the tree in Hacienda Heights is scheduled to be removed today.

The Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program outreach team has been active with HLB education in Los Angeles for many months. Activities include placing billboard advertisements in San Gabriel, placing signage at transit shelters, distributing a door hanger at residences in the core HLB area, exhibiting at community events and even running the public service announcement in movie theaters. All communication asks residents to cooperate with agriculture officials working to protect the community’s citrus.

The program will continue to prioritize outreach in the San Gabriel and Hacienda Heights area.