
Trump’s New Ag Advisors Take Aim at Regulatory Overreach

DanGeneral, Industry News Release, Water

The list of Ag Advisors to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is a long one, containing 65 names. Politico’s Morning Agriculture Report says that list is much larger than any of Trump’s other advisory panels. The list of names represents diverse experiences in different types of agriculture, but one of the common themes among the names is a dislike of regulatory overreach. That would seem to put the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Waters of the U.S. Rule” right in the line of fire, should Trump win the election. Many of the panel members Politico spoke to mentioned the WOTUS rule specifically and said a vote for Hillary Clinton would mean four more years of the same failed policies. Trump has said he opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, but the panel members overwhelmingly support the deal. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey said “it’s going to be important to articulate how important trade is to agriculture.” He said both major party candidates say they are against the TPP agreement but support trade, adding “they need to articulate what that means.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.