What Does Trump Win Mean for Ag

DanIndustry News Release

donald trump ag
Donald Trump’s run to the White House was fueled at least in part by rural America. Trump doesn’t have much in terms of Ag policy yet, but in August pledged to “end the war on the American farmer.” During the campaign, Trump said he would keep the Farm bill together, fix the nation’s infrastructure, cut back on government regulations, and renegotiate trade deals. At a Des Moines, Iowa fundraiser, Trump said, ”We are going to protect the Renewable Fuels Standard, corn-based ethanol, eliminate job-killing regulations like the Waters of the United States rule, which is a disaster, and provide desperately needed tax relief.” Trump has pledged to lower the tax rate on family farms to 15 percent and stop the so-called “death tax.” Pro Farmer’s First Thing Today reports the Trump-Pence administration intends to be involved in putting together the 2018 Farm Bill, and likely won’t support splitting the bill off from the food title. The 70-member Ag Advisory Council says Trump and Pence will likely stick to their support of safety net programs like crop insurance.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.