canada nafta

Trump Tells Canada to Expect Only “Tweaking” of NAFTA

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

During his visit with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (true-doh), U.S. President Donald Trump said there would only be “tweaking” needed to the North American Free Trade Agreement. Trump called the trading relationship between the U.S. and Canada “outstanding,” but has yet to outline what kind of tweaks he has in mind for NAFTA. During a press conference with Trudeau, Trump said he is more concerned with the U.S. trade relationship with Mexico under NAFTA. Politico speculates Trump may be considering separate bilateral deals with both Canada and Mexico, breaking away from the decades-old three-nation trade pact. Trudeau said he expects the U.S. and Canada to remain each other’s most essential trading partners. Trudeau says changes to NAFTA are “a real concern for many Canadians” because how dependent Canada’s economy is on the nation’s relationship with the United States. Canada sends roughly 75 percent of its exports to the U.S.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.