
Trump Giving Major Immigration Speech in Arizona

DanIndustry News Release, Labor and Immigration

trump immigration
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he will give a major speech on immigration Wednesday (today) in Arizona. The Hagstrom Report says Trump appears to be softening his stance against illegal immigration, wavering somewhat on his proposal to deport all people in the U.S. without the right papers. The softening stance on illegal immigration appears to have pleased some supporters but angered others. At a weekend campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa, Trump said Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would conduct a “war on farmers.” Trump said his alternative to Clinton’s policies would be to reduce regulations across the board. He also recently restated his support for the Renewable Fuels Standard, a position that Clinton has taken as well. A New York Times article said Republicans in Iowa appear to be more united in support of Trump than in other traditionally Republican states.