Trump Adviser Talks Agriculture

DanGeneral, Industry News Release

Clovis Trump adviser


Sam Clovis, senior adviser for Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, spoke with reporters after an agriculture round-table discussion this week and said crop insurance needs to be protected as a “matter of national security.” He told reporters “You can pay for 100 percent of a natural disaster, or you can go out and pay 50 percent to either make sure it doesn’t happen or protect the people from it happening.” He thinks crop insurance would be an important part of any farm bill they would approach if Trump wins the election. Some conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation aren’t happy to hear that. Josh Sewell helped author the Heritage Foundation report calling for an end to crop insurance and commodity price supports. He said, “For someone who’s gained support running against Washington insiders, the ag interests are some of the most Washington insiders there are.” Regarding Trump’s hardline stance on immigration? Clovis said “Ag groups will have a seat at the table to help us go forward with these issues, but we will enforce the laws of this country.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.