
Truck Registration Mistakenly Being Denied by DMV

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Industry

There have been reports of farmers having issues renewing their truck registration with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The problem revolves around compliance with the California Air Resources Board (ARB) Truck and Bus Regulation and Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Regulation. There have been multiple instances where trucks that are in compliance with the ARB rule are still being notified that they cannot renew their registration.

Sample DMV letter denying registration renewal. COURTESY: Paul Sousa

“The DMV had written a computer software program to interact with the Air Resources Board’s database to determine which trucks are in compliance or which or not, to deny registration to those that are not,” said Director of Environmental Services for Western United Dairies, Paul Sousa. “But that software was seemingly randomly denying registration to trucks whether or not they were in compliance.”

The Truck Regulation Upload, Compliance, and Reporting System is the online tool used for keeping track of reporting requirements. That is the database used to keep track of vehicle compliance. DMV was given authority to deny registration to trucks that are not in compliance through recent legislation. The software mistake is made worse by the fact that 2020 is the year that Special Equipment plates are up for multi-year renewals. Sousa notes there is a way to renew truck registration for those in compliance, it will just take some additional legwork.

“You need to contact the Air Resources Board who will tell the DMV ‘no, in fact, these trucks are in compliance’ and you can renew their registration. I’ve actually had some luck with that,” Sousa explained. “There is a solution. ARB is being responsive to emails and to phone calls and I’ve had good luck getting ahold of them and they are resolving the issues. But unfortunately, it’s another obstacle and it’s a concern that folks may get this and walk away from these trucks or not renew them.”

Listen to the interview below.

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West