Frost Tool Tested for ACP Management

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Pest Update


Inseason Ag’s TreeGlove

A fairly common tool in frost protection for California citrus growers is being tested in Florida for an entirely different purpose.

Frost Tool Tested for ACP Management

Inseason Ag is a young company out of the Central Valley of California. Production Manager Roger Cox says the company has a new version of its tree netting that helps defend against cross-pollination and was showing it off recently to the citrus industry. Cox says the new material is less likely to rip as it has a seamless design and is flexible.

Aside from the new product, Inseason Ag’s original product called the “TreeGlove” is also gaining a lot of attention. Originally designed for the cold weather in California, the TreeGlove could be a good defense against the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). “Our TreeGlove is a non-woven cloth, not a mesh netting. It’s a breathable, porous material that can hold and contain heat. We use that here in California for frost protection,” Cox says. “We are working with University of Florida and Texas A&M doing publications for its effectiveness of preventing ACP feeding. They have found that it stops leafminer and ACP from feeding on that foliage.”

Cox says a lot of growers are simply trying to keep ACP away from new plantings and research is looking to see if this is an economical option.