Farming from the Heart- Temple Grandin Stockmanship

Taylor HillmanCattle, Education, Farming from the Heart

Farming from the heart-001This week Temple Grandin returned to Farming from the Heart with advice for our cattle ranchers out there working cattle. She says that the first thing to focus on when working cattle is to calm down. She explains that when you get worked up, the cattle do too.

Temple explains that our placement and position can make a huge impact when working cattle. Temple explains that our next step in improving our industry is to better our stockmanship skills. This is just a great reminder that absolutely everyone has the ability to change our industry for the better, and that absolutely nothing can hold you back. Make sure to listen in for our last show of this interview with Temple, which will air in a few weeks.

Temple Grandin Stockmanship


Corryn and Temple Grandin.DSC01960









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