Teenagers Access to Healthy Snacks

DanGeneral, Industry Videos-Promoting Agriculture, This Land of Ours

University of Kentucky Researcher Alison Gustafson wants to help teenagers change their snacking habits one swipe, click and pic at a time. Cathy Isom looks into how we can turn teenagers into healthy eaters with the use of their own technology. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Teenagers Access to Healthy Foods

From: Web Trends

What Is Vine?

Taking a Look at Twitter’s Six-Second Video-Sharing App

Trends Expert

teenagersWondering what Vine is? Chances are you may have heard about this new social network that is supposedly gaining popularity pretty quickly on mobile.

What Exactly Is Vine?

Vine is a video-sharing app. But it’s not just any video-sharing app. It’s designed in a way for you to film short, separate instances so they can be linked together for a total of six seconds. Each short video plays in a continuous loop, and are viewable directly in Twitter’s timeline or embedded into a web page.

How the Vine App Works

First of all, you need to have a compatible smartphone to download the Vine app. Vine is owned by Twitter, and the an app for iOS devices and Android devices.

The look and feel of the app is similar to Instagram, showing you a scroll-able feed of all your friends’ vines on the home screen.

Read the full article.

From: UK Ag News

UK professor passionate about providing access to healthy foods

by Amy Jones-Timoney

Most of us view a trip to the grocery store as a chore, but for one University of Kentucky professor, it’s all in a day’s work.


University of Kentucky Researcher Dr. Alison Gustafson

Alison Gustafson, an assistant professor in UK’s Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, has always been interested in people, what they eat and why they make the choices they make when it comes to food.

“One of my favorite things to do is to walk the aisles of a grocery store or a gas station,” Gustafson said. “So the food stores out in the counties are my labs.”

But the path from an undergraduate degree from Bradley University in dietetics to a career as a scholar at UK did not happen overnight.

Gustafson spent time in Washington, D.C. working on nutrition policy, earned a master’s degree in public health at Boston University and even worked with AIDS orphans and HIV-positive mothers in Zimbabwe.  The common theme in each of these roles was access to food.

Read the full article.

Going to the grocery store is not a chore for one University of Kentucky professor. In fact, Alison Gustafson views the places where people buy food as her “labs” and she relishes traveling around the state to see where people buy their food in hopes of understanding why they make certain choices. Watch the video to discover what makes this Illinois native so passionate about food access in the Bluegrass state…and beyond.

Watch the video above to learn more about what drives Gustafson as a researcher and why she loves getting out into the counties.

This video feature is part of a new monthly series called, ‘“see discovery:” The People Behind Our Research.’  The videos, produced by UKNow and REVEAL, will highlight the important work being conducted at the University of Kentucky by telling the stories of our researchers. The idea is to discover and share what motivates our faculty, staff and students to ask the questions that lead to discovery.