“In her speech to Parliament, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland seems to want it both ways – free trade with the United States in areas where Canada is competitive, …
NMPF Proposal to Improve H-2A for Dairy Advances Thanks to Rep. Newhouse
In a meeting with Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA), National Milk Producers Federation President and CEO Jim Mulhern expressed appreciation on behalf of the nation’s dairy farmers for the congressman’s work …
NMPF Board of Directors Supports NAFTA Modernization
Process Should Preserve Trade Successes in Mexico, Address Canada Dispute The National Milk Producers Federation Board of Directors voted unanimously today to support modernizing the North American Free Trade Agreement …
Dairy Groups Pledge to Work with Trump Administration on NAFTA Modernization
Two leading dairy groups said they will work with the Trump Administration to modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to make sure it safeguards open trade with Mexico …
Dairy Industry Welcomes Swift Action by USTR Lighthizer to Launch NAFTA Modernization Efforts
The U.S. dairy industry commended Robert Lighthizer, the newly confirmed U.S. Trade Representative, for taking swift action under the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act (TPA) to begin the …
NMPF Facilitates NCIMS Passage of Proposals to Enhance Safety of Dairy Foods
The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) helped secure several positive developments for dairy farmers and their cooperatives at the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) this week, as multiple …
State Milk Regulators Ask FDA for Assistance
State milk regulators requested that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) work with them to enforce the proper use of milk and milk product labeling terms, especially those meant …
Dairy Industry Eager to Work With U.S. Trade Representative Lighthizer
The dairy industry is eager to work with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to protect and expand market access for U.S. dairy while addressing problematic Canadian dairy policies, the National …
NMPF April Dairy Market Report
The April Dairy Market Report has fluid milk sales showing the lowest volume decline in almost a year during November 2016–January 2017. American-type cheese consumption continued to outpace that of …
NMPF, USDEC Organize Dairy Fly-In on Capitol Hill to Build Support for Trade with Canada, Mexico
U.S. dairy leaders from across the country visited Washington, D.C., this week to urge Congress and Trump Administration officials to hold Canada accountable for its trade violations and hasten the …
Dairy Industry Applauds USDA Secretary Perdue for Supporting School Milk Options
Dairy leaders thanked newly confirmed Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue for recognizing the important role school milk plays in ensuring school-aged children get the nutrition they need. In one of his …
Trump Administration Commits to Continued Staunch Defense of U.S. Food and Beverage Manufacturers Using Common Food Names
A report on intellectual property issued Friday by the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office (USTR) outlined the Trump Administration’s continuing commitment to curtailing the damaging abuses of geographical indications (GIs) – …
Bipartisan Congressional Letter Voices Support for Tackling of Canada’s Protectionist Dairy Practices
Adding to the groundswell of recognition that Canada’s protectionist dairy policies are harmful to U.S. dairy exports, a bipartisan group of 68 members of the House of Representatives wrote to President Donald Trump yesterday urging …
Ag Groups Pleased With Perdue Confirmation
American Farm Bureau Federation The following may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “Farm Bureau heartily congratulates Secretary Sonny Perdue on his new role leading our …