syngenta viptera

Syngenta Calls Regulatory Talks Constructive


Leadership for Syngenta calls recent talks with regulatory authorities constructive as the company seeks approval for the merger that allows ChemChina to take over the Swiss-based company.

Syngenta officials continue to display confidence that the transaction will be completed in time, according to Bloomberg. Talks with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. are ongoing, and the goal remains to complete the deal by the end of this year. ChemChina is seeking regulatory approval for the purchase that will make it the world’s largest supplier of pesticides and other crop-care chemicals, although temporarily. The Dow-DuPont merger and Bayer’s possible acquisition of Monsanto will reorder the rankings as the top six suppliers fight for market share and financial power to drive research and new product releases.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.