
Support for Government Intervention in Nutrition Doubles

DanIndustry News Release

A recent survey shows support for government interventions that limit, restrict or warn consumers about the risks of junk food has nearly doubled since 2012. Politico reports the FoodMinds survey found 70 percent of respondents felt the government should help consumers understand how junk food fits into a healthy diet. 30 percent of respondents felt the government should restrict or limit the availability of junk food. The survey polled 684 “opinion-leader shoppers” — a so-called subgroup of “politically aware,” “socially active” registered voters who are the primary grocery shoppers for their households. The poll also found 58 percent of Republican respondents support excluding soft drinks and empty-calorie foods from SNAP. For Democrats, 34 percent were in favor, 13 percent strongly opposed.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.