strawberry varieties

Strawberry Varieties to Grow so They’ll Taste Better Than Store Bought

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours

The best strawberry varieties to grow so that they’ll taste better than store bought.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

strawberry varieties

The three main types of strawberries are June-bearing, everbearing, and day-neutral. June-bearing strawberries, such as ‘Shuksan’, grow well in USDA Agriculture Zones 6-10, but some varieties are better for your local conditions than others. Keep in mind that June-bearers will produce their crop earlier in warm climates, which means you could be eating berries in April.

In Zones 6-8 (except for hot, humid areas), everbearing or day-neutral strawberries may be your best bet. Everbearing types, such as ‘Quinault’, produce two crops (one in June and one in September). Day-neutral types, such as ‘Tristar’, will produce a continual but smaller crop from June to September. June-bearing varieties are often recommended for short-season northern gardens; they offer a bigger summer bounty than everbearers, but plants stop fruiting after the first harvest.

Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.

Strawberry Varieties to Grow so They’ll Taste Better Than Store Bought