Stopgap Funding Bill with Farming Support Moves Forward

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Legislative

Stopgap Funding

A stopgap funding bill that will prevent a government shutdown was recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 359 to 57. The bill will keep the government running through December 11. A point of contention in the bill’s negotiation was continued support for the agriculture industry. Ultimately, the bill that was passed includes reimbursement of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC).

“We applaud Chairman Peterson and Ranking Member Conaway for their leadership, and House lawmakers for putting aside their differences to address the hardships being felt by America’s farmers and ranchers. For years, funding the CCC has been a bipartisan commitment,” American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall said in a news release. “While we were disappointed it recently became a political flashpoint, we are pleased lawmakers on both sides of the aisle recognize that these funds help to sustain conservation programs and stock America’s pantry.”

A compromise between House members was reached enabling continued farming assistance in exchange for increased funding for nutrition assistance programs. The stopgap funding measure will now head to the U.S. Senate. Failure for the legislation to pass through the Senate and be signed by President Donald Trump will result in a government shutdown beginning October 1.

“The last thing farmers and rural Americans need right now, on top of the pandemic and everything else, is a government shutdown. We are relieved that the House has come to an agreement on a stopgap funding bill that would prevent such a shutdown, and we hope that the Senate will follow their lead,” National Farmers Union President Rob Larew said in a press release. “In particular, we urge them to adopt the House’s provisions that would help hungry families and schoolchildren access food, offer Congressional oversight of farm assistance spending, and prevent oil corporations from taking advantage of Commodity Credit Corporation funds.”

About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West