Twice this week an attempt was made to pass the long-stalled federal disaster relief bill, but the latest attempt late Thursday afternoon failed again. In the brief pro forma session, this time it was Republican John W. Rose from Tennessee who objected to the consideration of the Senate amendment. The argument all along has been that a vote is needed by the full U.S. House.
This now makes a total of three congressional Republicans who have blocked an attempt to pass the disaster relief bill. The first block was last week by Texas Republican Chip Roy, then Tuesday of this week it was Kentucky Republican Thomas Massie. Through a process known as unanimous consent, the disaster-relief bill could have passed the House without most members being there. So the $19.1 billion disaster package, already passed by the Senate, is delayed once again.
According to information provided House.gov, the U.S. House will meet again next Monday, June 3 at 2:00pm. Members of Congress are scheduled to be back in town then after their long Memorial Day holiday break.
So disaster relief aid for those here in the Southeast affected by last fall’s Hurricane Michael, along with others across the country affected by other natural disasters, will have to wait until at least next week for possible passage.