
States Join Dow-DuPont Merger Probe

DanIndustry News Release

states DuPont
At least seven states have joined a federal antitrust probe of the planned merger between DuPont and Dow Chemical Company. A separate group of state attorneys generals are expected to join a probe of Bayer AG’s $66 billion plan to buy Monsanto. Pro Farmer’s First Thing’s Today reports the involvement of states increases scrutiny of the mega deals and will complicate what are already expected to be tough and lengthy reviews by U.S. antitrust enforcers. The states are concerned that the companies may raise pesticide and herbicide prices for farmers following a merger, and have less incentive to compete to introduce better and cheaper products. The news comes as European Union antitrust regulators halted their scrutiny of the deal last week because the companies failed to provide crucial data needed for the review. The EU investigation is expected to continue and wrap up sometime next year.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.