Alaskan creek in summer near the Denali Highway with puffy clouds on a summer day.

State Water Agencies Side Against WOTUS

DanIndustry News Release, Water

Alaskan state creek in summer near the Denali Highway with puffy clouds on a summer day.
A coalition of state and local water agencies argue the Environmental Protection Agency’s Waters of the U.S. rule infringes on state authority over water supply. The group, led by the Association of Clean Water Administrators, filed a legal brief with the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals last week. The coalition says that under the rule, water infrastructure, like canals and aqueducts, could be considered “tributaries,” potentially leading to a set of new regulations. Politico called the move a blow to the Obama administration after the EPA made changes in the final version of the rule aimed at alleviating the water agencies’ concerns. Farm groups and others challenging the rule filed opening briefs last week in a lawsuit against the rule. The federal government has until January 18th to respond to the first round of arguments.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.