
State Ag Officials Want Bilateral Trade Talks to Commence

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

stateState agriculture officials are questioning the Trump Administration on the promise of creating new bilateral trade deals.

During a meeting in Washington, D.C. this week, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture members commented on the lack of new bilateral agreements, as promised by the administration a year ago. Trump promised bilateral agreements as he withdrew the U.S. from the multilateral Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Montana Agriculture Department Director Ben Thomas says: “We haven’t really seen any substance behind that,” according to Politico. The Democrat also mentioned Trump’s comments regarding rejoining the TPP, if the deal “got substantially better.” Thomas encouraged the organization to start thinking about what those terms may be.

TPP was recently revived by the 11 other countries involved in the pact that are planning to sign an amended version in March.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.