Starr Ranch Sanctuary Barn Owl

DanEducation, General, Industry Videos-Promoting Agriculture

The Starr Ranch Sanctuary Barn Owl Cam has been a favorite of viewers around the world for the past several years. Conceived by sanctuary manager Pete DeSimone, who has worked at Audubon for more than 37 years, the cam live streams the daily comings and goings of the Barn Owls that take up residence in the cavity of a eucalyptus located at the ranch.

This video features Sanctuary manager Pete DeSimone talking about working with the cams and finding community online.

After a couple years with no nesting success, there are three owlets, with two more eggs that may hatch. Drought may have played a part in previous failure. But whatever the reason, viewers are happy to have a reason to tune in and watch the drama unfold.

To see the live video of the Starr Ranch Barn Owls and learn more, click here.

Wildlife Videos

Observing wildlife is one of the most popular activities at Starr Ranch. However, the elusive nature of some species can make sightings quite rare. Starr Ranch’s system of remote cameras provide an insight into the behavior of even the most secretive of animals. Many of these videos were recorded using our motion-activated trail camera. The camera is the silver object mounted on the upper part of the wooden post in the picture below. Night footage is made possible through the use of infra-red lighting.

How to Visit Starr Ranch