St. Patrick’s Day Cabbage


St. Patrick's Day cabbage
Cathy Isom gives us the many reasons to LOVE cabbage and not just on St. Patrick’s Day. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

St. Patrick’s Day Cabbage

We already knew that cabbage goes well with corned beef on Saint Patrick’s Day. But what many of us may not know are the amazing health benefits cabbage has going beyond basic nutrition. So much so, you’ll want to eat it more than once a year. In fact, eating cabbage could be one of the greatest things you could do for your body. Cabbage is great for weight loss. At just 33 calories per cup; it can also be used to help lower your cholesterol. With so much vitamin C in it, great for the immune system. It’s also been called a cancer fighter because it contains a sulfur containing compound. Cabbage is said to reduce inflammation; improves brain health; heal ulcers; clear skin; and is a hangover cure! This ought to come in handy the day after St. Paddy’s Day. The high fiber content of cabbage helps to absorb the alcohol. Just boil the cabbage and save the juice for drinking. Headaches can also be cured by using the leaves of cabbage in a warm compress. Aside from being good for your body, it’s good for your pocketbook too. It’s the second most economical cooked veggie next to potatoes.

I’m Cathy Isom…