SJV Weekly Cotton Market Review


For the San Joaquin Valley

cotton-fieldSpot cotton trading was inactive. Supplies were light. Demand was light. Average local spot prices were lower. Foreign mill inquiries were light. The crop progressed well under partly cloudy to sunny conditions with daytime highs in the upper 80s to mid 90s. Local experts reported good stands and expanding leaf area on young plants. Insect pressure from thrips was light, but treatments were underway in some fields for mites. American Pima (AP) Spot cotton trading was inactive.

Supplies and demand were light. Average local prices were lower. No forward contracting or domestic mill activity was reported. Agents for mills in China and Thailand bought a moderate volume of 2013-crop cotton for June and July shipment. Peruvian mill buyers inquired for a light volume of 2013-crop cotton for August shipment, no sales were reported. The crop progressed well under hot conditions in Yuma, Arizona. Local experts reported good stands with young plants emerging in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV). Insect pressure was light and easily controlled.