
Sites Reservoir Could Have Captured More Than 1.5 million Acre-feet of Water

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Water

The Sites Project Authority announced that if the Sites Reservoir were already operational, it would likely be sitting at its full capacity. Based on data from 2023 flows and storm systems this year, the reservoir could have stored over 1.5 million acre-feet of water from early 2023 through April 2024.

Sites Reservoir

“We’re seeing that Sites would perform as expected during these wet years, saving us much-needed new water supply for the dry years,” Chair of the Sites Project Authority Board of Directors, Fritz Durst said in a press release. “If Sites were operational today, the project beneficiaries would be heading into summer with additional stored water that they could manage and use when they need it. Having that extra savings account can make a huge difference during dry years that we know are coming.”

Analysis shows that the reservoir can be filled by diverting a small portion of Delta outflow, maintaining significant water flow in the Sacramento River for environmental needs. Computer simulations have indicated the reservoir will boost water reliability for California and help tackle climate change challenges. The Sites Reservoir Project has widespread support and is nearing construction, led by the Sites Project Authority with contributions from various statewide stakeholders.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West