The California Avocado Commission reported that the polyphagous shot hole borer has been found further north in Southern California.
Cal Poly State University Professor David Headrick spoke at a recent conference about invasive species in California. Headrick says there was new news last week about the spread of the polyphagous shot hole borer. Headrick says they expected the beetle to spread like any other pest and it is still a major concern to the avocado industry.
Press release from the California Avocado Commission
Last week the Commission informed growers that the polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB) had been found in two traps in Ventura County. This week we have learned that one grove in Ventura County has been found to have trees with beetle activity. The grove is located on the western edge of Santa Paula, approximately 2-miles from the early PSHB trap find.
It cannot be overstressed how important it is for growers to know the symptoms of beetle attack and what to look for in their trees. To help growers, the Commission and UC Riverside researchers have produced a number of helpful handouts that can be accessed online. Find the links and full release here.