SGMA Video Series Now Available in Three Languages

Brian GermanRadio Reports, Water

The Water and Land Use Series of videos is now available in Hmong as well as English and Spanish. The videos provide insight on how the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) is taking shape. PhD Candidate at UC Merced, Vicky Espinoza has been working on the videos for several months. The series is available on the YouTube Channel CaliWaterAg. The goal of the project has been to make SGMA information more accessible and encourage more engagement from community members.

“A lot of the rural communities, Spanish speakers, and Hmong speakers haven’t really been involved in the SGMA process,” Espinoza explained. “Farmers and community members need to be involved so that these Groundwater Sustainability Plans and future land and water use decisions represent them, their community, and their family.”

Listen to the radio report below.

SGMA Video Series Now Available in Three Languages
About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West