September Crop Production Report

DanCommodity Report, Industry News Release

The USDA-NASS, Pacific Region Office released the crop production forecast for September. The latest survey, which was conducted during the last week of August and the first week of September, included the following commodities:

Oranges, Navel

The initial 2016-2017 season is forecast at 1.68 million tons (42.0 million boxes), down 8 percent from last season. This initial forecast is based on an objective measurement survey conducted in California’s Central Valley from July 9 to September 1. The objective survey measurements indicated that fruit set and the average fruit size were below last year. Harvest is expected to begin in October.


field of cotton
Upland cotton production in California is forecast at 260 thousand bales, up 58 percent from the 2015 crop. Harvested acreage is estimated at 65.0 thousand acres, up 41 percent from a year ago. Yield is forecast at 1,920 pounds per acre, up 11 percent from last month. The forecast for American Pima cotton production is 484 thousand bales, up 34 percent from the 2015 crop. Harvested acreage is forecast at 153 thousand acres, up 32 percent from last year. Yield is forecast at 1,518 pounds per acre.


rice field
All rice production in California for 2016 is forecast at 48.6 million cwt., up 30 percent from the previous year. The yield forecast is 8,700 pounds per acre, down 1 percent from last month and down 2 percent from last year. Planted and harvested acreages are forecast at 564 thousand and 559 thousand acres, respectively.


Corn field
Corn for grain production in California for 2016 is forecast at 389  thousand tons, up 47 percent from last year’s crop, and unchanged from the August forecast. With harvested acreage forecast at 75 thousand acres, the yield is 5.18 tons per acre. Compared with the 2015 crop year, harvested acreage is up 25 percent and the yield is up 18 percent.


The 2016 production of sugarcane in Hawaii is forecast at 1.37 million tons, up 3 percent from the previous year, up slightly from the August forecast. Harvested acreage is estimated at 14.9 thousand acres, down 11 percent from last year. Yield is forecast at 91.9 tons per acre.


The 2016 California sugarbeet production is forecast at 1.11 million tons, unchanged from the August forecast, but up 2 percent from last season. With harvested acreage forecast at 25.2 thousand acres, the yield is 44.2 tons per acre.

Production forecasts are released on a monthly basis and do not reflect final production estimates. Late summer and fall harvests may change these estimates considerably. The next production forecast will be issued October 12, 2016.

Read the full report.