
Senator Chuck Grassley Pessimistic About Farm Bill This Year

DanFarm Bill, Industry News Release

Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley


Longtime Ag Senator Chuck Grassley expects a farm bill to make it out of committee this year. However, he’s pessimistic about a farm bill actually getting done this year. Grassley sees the Senate Ag Committee starting to write a bill in another month or so.


But Grassley says floor action will depend, as it always does, on the Majority Leader making time, including possibly delaying or canceling a week-long October recess


All Grassley can say for now is


Grassley does not expect many changes to the bill from current law, though ag lawmakers will have to deal with the usual budget pressures and threats to crop insurance and food stamps, while fixes will be needed to the dairy and cotton programs.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.