
Senate Won’t Take Up TPP This Year


U.S. Capitol (Washington DC, USA) senate
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky appeared to shut the door on the Senate taking up the Trans-Pacific Partnership Bill this year. McConnell said the current agreement has some serious flaws and will not be acted upon this year. He did say while the agreement won’t pass in its current form, it could pass as early as next year with some changes when the new administration takes over. However, Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump and Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton both have come out against the deal. President Obama has pledged to push for the trade deal during his remaining time in office. He even went so far as to send a draft agreement to Congress but it seems to have lost momentum on Capitol Hill. McConnell had already said the agreement wouldn’t get a vote, and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said the bill doesn’t have enough votes to pass the House.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.