Farm Bill

Senate Farm Bill to Include Grassley Payment Limits

Brian GermanIndustry News Release

Farm BillThe Senate farm bill now contains 18 additional amendments, including Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley’s payment limits amendment. Grassley was the lone vote against the bill when it passed through committee because it did not contain his amendment. The change would “amend actively engaged in farming requirements by allowing only one person or legal entity per farming operation to be considered ‘actively engaged’ in farming based on active personal management.”

Grassley said earlier this week that he had the votes on the Senate Agriculture Committee to get the amendment approved at the markup of the bill, but ran into a last-minute procedural problem that prevented him from offering it, according to the Hagstrom Report. The amendment is one of 18 attached to the farm bill and announced Wednesday by Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts in an effort to expedite the passage of the bill.


From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.