
Senate to Consider WRDA Conference Report

DanIndustry News Release, Water

aerial-view-of-port-and-silos-from-the-waterway senate
The U.S. Senate Majority Leader intends to take up the Water Resources Development Act conference report during the lame-duck session. Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell proclaimed in a floor speech Tuesday his intention to consider the conference report. He says the bill will “invest in our nation’s waterways infrastructure, enhance commerce and support safe and reliable water sources.” The measure includes assistance for families in Flint, Michigan who have been impacted by lead poisoning within the water system, according to the Hagstrom Report. However, Michigan Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow said she doubts the bill will have enough votes to pass. The House and Senate both overwhelmingly passed WRDA bills earlier this year. However, the conference report has hit a snag this week as California Senate-Democrat Barbara Boxer planned to block the measure. She says the bill would “roll back” the Endangered Species Act.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.