Almond Board: Seeds for Bees

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Almond Board of CaliforniaSeeds for Bees is a free program that provides cover crop seeds for growers to plant on land unused by their crop. Almond growers are encouraged to participate in this program to help keep bees healthy. Sabrina Hill talks with Director of Pollination Programs for Project Apis m., Billy Synk about the Seeds for Bees program.

Almond Update – Seeds for Bees

More from Project Apis m. on the Seeds for Bees program:

Project Apis m. is working to build a sustainable, healthy honey bee supply for pollination services in California while improving crop production.  This can be accomplished with cover crops planted in or around orchards.  Would you like to help us provide nutrition for bees?  Are you interested in cultivating cover crops that benefit bees and soil health?  PAm will provide the seed for you to plant.  We provide seed mixes that have a low-moisture requirement appropriate for almond orchards across California’s varying climates.  Contact if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are interested in helping develop bee forage
  • You will plant the seed as early as possible in the Fall
  • Your planted forage will be available to colonies pollinating CA’s specialty crops, including almonds
  • You plan to emphasize planting locations which will be accessible to over-wintering colonies
  • You are interested in improving the efficiency and soil health in your orchard

The program and seeds are completely free for growers, and even the shipping is free.