Secretary Ross Optimistic about CA Ag

Taylor HillmanGeneral

ASFMRA Conference
California Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross says she’s optimistic about the future of California agriculture. She was one of several state agriculture leaders to speak at the Outlook 2013 Conference held by the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Sabrina Hill was there and has this report.
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Growers, farm managers, and others in the ag industry heard from several leaders at the Outlook 2013 Conference in Sacramento yesterday. The theme this year was “Are we having fun yet?” and more than one speaker said “yes”. California Secretary of Agriculture Karen Ross was the first speaker of the morning. She said she’s very optimistic about the future of California agriculture.

Other speakers included California Farm Bureau President Paul Wenger, Joel Nelsen with California Citrus Mutual, Richard Matoian, Executive Director of American Pistachio Growers and several others.