Sec. Ross Sends Letter to Dairy Industry

Taylor HillmanCattle, Dairy & Livestock, General

CDFA Secretary Karen Ross addresses dairy stakeholders via a letter. Sabrina Hill has more on she says about the new temporary price relief for milk producers.
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CDFA Secretary Karen Ross sent a letter to the dairy industry just after CDFA announced a determination that market conditions warrant another temporary adjustment to the minimum milk prices.
There was a previous temporary adjustment that went into effect in February but expired the end of May. In the letter, Secretary Ross writes:

“Today, I have ordered modest temporary price relief for milk producers, effective July 1 through the end of the year. This adjustment is across all classes to maximize pool returns to producers. While the testimony on the hearing record failed to provide economic data to justify the industry’s positions, the uncertainty of the 2013 corn crop and questions about the stability of the market recovery indicate this adjustment is appropriate.”

Read the full letter here.