There’s been a lot of news coverage on the citrus freeze, but many other crops are facing significant weather damage. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to Open or Download Audio…
Citrus Watch: Damage Reports Increase
Early damage reports are coming in for the state’s citrus industry. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report Some early damage reports are showing as much as…
Citrus Watch: Fight Against Freeze Continues
Citrus farmers around California may finally get a decent night’s sleep after spending the last few nights protecting their crops from a cold wave. Gary Crawford reports. Click to Open…
Citrus Research Bill Dies In Senate
…found in some California citrus, and is spread by the Asian citrus psyllid. The bill was sponsored by Florida Senator Bill Nelson and supported by California senator Dianne Feinstein. It…
Better Crop Protection With Mode Changes
We’ve kept you up-to-date on the citrus restrictions to battle the Asian citrus psyllid. Now we’ve talked with a specialist at DuPont Crop Protection about how growers of all types…
Food Trends for 2012-2013
…were canning fruits and vegetables, and there was a big upswing in pickling fresh produce. For 2013, they say to expect plates filled with Asian dishes with produce like bok…
Dealing with Asian Citrus Psyllid in Imperial Co.
Citrus growers in southern California are faced with the same disease spreading pest found in parts of the Central Valley. Despite additional findings of the Asian Citrus Psyllid in Imperial…
Tulare County Citrus Restrictions Update
An update to the citrus restrictions in Tulare County. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to Open or Download Audio Report The CDFA has announced that movement of all citrus or…
Officials Investigate New Psyllid Finds
Ted Batkin, president of the California Citrus Research Board said the early finds are going to have to take some sleuth work to determine how the psyllids got into Tulare…
New Ant Control for Growers
During the 38th Annual California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA) convention, BASF announced the availability of Altrevin™ fire ant bait insecticide. Recently registered for almond and citrus growers, Altrevin…
Nursery Netting to Fight Citrus Psyllid
Nurseries follow new guidelines for preventing citrus psyllid. To learn more about the Asian Citrus Psyllid, CLICK HERE to go to the Citrus Research Board’s website. Click to Open or…
CA Citrus Growers Want EQUIP Measure Pushed
California Citrus growers want the 2012 Farm Bill to include EQUIP funds. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…
EQUIP Measure Would Help Citrus Growers
California Citrus Mutual is urging legislatures to pass the new farm bill with funds for air quality improvement and the EQIP measure. AgNet West reporter Sabrina Hill has more. Click…
USDA Releases Citrus Crop Forecast for 2012-13 Season
For a full rundown of this morning’s release of USDA’s 2012-2013 Citrus Crop Forecast, including California production numbers, CLICK HERE for the completed form with several years of data for…