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Citrus Industry This Week: HLB Research Updates
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week includes updates on research projects involving the creation of psyllids that don’t spread HLB and high-density citrus plantings grown in screenhouses. Want to…
Area-Wide Management of Asian Citrus Psyllid
The Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program has launched a new educational video for California citrus growers. The video details the area-wide management treatment strategy for combating the Asian citrus…
Port Backup Creating Opportunities for Thieves
…Picked Central Valley grower Tom Thomas produces a variety of citrus at one of his Fresno County locations. Thomas grows tangelos, which are popular on the Asian market. Thomas says…
DPR Secretary will speak to regulatory climate at the CCM Showcase
…Asian citrus psyllid, are to blame for declining pollinator health, but science coupled with existing precautions suggest otherwise. “Crop protection tools can kill bees. That fact is readily understood and…
Citrus Strong – Citrus Mutual – Citrus Matters
…focus exclusively on the power of public awareness in fostering a sustainable and profitable future for California citrus. Citrus growers are battling against the dangerous citrus pest Asian citrus psyllid…
Agriphar Products for Citrus and Almonds
Chris Wooley, North America Marketing Director with Agriphar Crop Solutions, discusses two products for California crops – one that fights Asian citrus psyllid in citrus, and one that fights pests…
Citrus Industry This Week: Fruit Drop; Nematodes; Freeze Concern
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes reports on quantifying fruit drop and two problematic nematodes. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe free and view…
Protecting Citrus from Huanglongbing Disease
Rob Schrick, Strategic Business Management Lead – Horticulture at Bayer CropScience, discusses the need to protect the citrus industry from Huanglongbing disease. Rob Schrick, Bayer CropScience, interview on citrus…
Big Fresno Fair Announces New San Joaquin Valley Olive Oil Competition
…and Other Singles. Competition categories in the Flavored Olive Oil class include: Citrus; Herbal (rosemary, basil, etc.); and Other Flavors (chile, jalapeno, garlic, etc.). Judging will be evaluated and scored…
Is Spinach the Answer for Citrus Greening?
Researchers at many universities are working on a citrus greening cure, but among the most aggressive and unusual experiments are those being conducted at Texas A&M University and Southern Gardens…
Devastating Citrus Greening Disease Targeted by USDA Grants
The grant will be used to develop non-transgenic techniques that either kill Asian citrus psyllids or prevent the tiny insects from spreading the disease to citrus trees. (Thinkstock photo) Two…
Citrus Industry This Week: Pruning Advice for HLB Trees; Florida Freeze Warning
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes details on the best pruning level to rehab HLB-infected citrus trees and a report on how citrus growers are preparing…
Citrus Industry This Week: Best Practices for HLB; Disease During Bloom
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes a grower’s view on HLB strategies and what disease to watch for during citrus bloom. Want to learn more? Click…