Time to Vaccinate Horses for West Nile Virus

Taylor HillmanCattle

…or download audio report. West Nile Virus peaked in California a number of years ago, but it still remains a risk. In 2012, West Nile Virus infection was confirmed in…

Record Year for CA Table Grapes

Taylor HillmanGeneral

It looks like a record year for table grapes. The California Table Grape Commission reports the state shipped 101.5 million boxes in 2012 – just under half of those going…

Avoid Costly Exporting Mistakes

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…President and CEO of W.J. Byrnes and Company says mistakes early on can be detrimental to a business. For more information on avoiding exporting mistakes, contact John Leitner at info@byrnesglobal.com….

2012 CA Wine Grape Production

Taylor HillmanTree, nut & vine crops

2012 was a good year for California wine grape growers. They crushed 4.01 million tons of grapes after the 2012 harvest, which sets a new record. The previous record was…