Drought Relief Food Giveaway

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…“California Water Feeds our Communities” food drive sending truckloads of food to impacted communities throughout the state. During the first week of September, 17 trucks loaded with 374 palates of…

Water Forum August 29 in Fresno

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water

…as it happens. AgNet West will live stream the main portion of the event on our website, www.agnetwest.com. Live stream testing will begin at about 4:20 for website visitors to…

Russia Food Ban Affecting Consumers There

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…shortages and price hikes on staples such as fish and fruit, according USA Today. Suppliers have raised prices for some fish by 20-36%. Suppliers reported shortages and higher prices for…

What’s on Your Pork Bucket List?

Taylor HillmanCattle, General, Hogs & Pork

…manager Amy Busch says great ideas are being submitted. Just for sharing your #porkbucketlist, a few lucky individuals will have those dreams realized. Again, more details are available at porkbucketlist.com….