San Joaquin Valley Grape Symposium Jan. 7

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

grapes3Grape growers from around California are invited to the annual San Joaquin Valley Grape Symposium, coming up on January 7. Sabrina Hill has all the details on this year’s event.

Sabrina Hill interviews UC Cooperative Extension County Director and Farm Advisor, Fresno and Madera Counties, Shannon Mueller about the upcoming San Joaquin Valley Grape Symposium.

SJV Grape Symposium

Here are the details for the symposium:

Date: January 7, 2015

Time: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Sponsor: Cooperative Extension Fresno County

Location: CPDES Hall, 172 West Jefferson Ave., Easton, CA

San Joaquin Valley Grape Symposium

Registration: 7:00am

Cost: $15.00 for advance registration (Includes lunch sponsored by Allied Grape Growers)

Location: CPDES Hall

Please click here to register online and pay with a credit card:

For the symposium schedule, click here: