
RFA Asking EPA to Expand Hurricane Harvey Fuel Waiver

DanIndustry News Release

hurricane fuelThe ethanol industry claims it can fill the shortage in the nation’s fuel supply in the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s devastation in Texas, and impact on the nation’s oil refining capacity

The Renewable Fuels Association is asking the Environmental Protection Agency to expand a fuel waiver the agency granted in response to Hurricane Harvey, which has now shut down about 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity, driving gas prices up as much as eight percent.

RFA President Bob Dinneen says ethanol is readily available nationwide, to fill the missing supply.


Dinneen says that would be true in future situations, where the nation’s fuel supply is squeezed. But the RFA chief complains the EPA hasn’t done enough with its earlier waivers.


But the summer season where waivers apply, runs out on September 15th, in just over three weeks, raising the question, why ask for another waiver, now?


Especially, Dinneen says. if supplies tighten with dwindling stocks, or there are future refinery or terminal outages.From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.