The California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (LGMA) reminds members that there are some updated food safety requirements. CEO of California LGMA, Tim York said they developed several safety enhancements over the course of last year. As the growing season gets underway on the Central Coast, growers are reminded that there are some new protocols in place related to soil amendments and compost, as well as adjacent land use. Information on the updated food safety practices is available on the California LGMA website, as well as contact information for technical support.
“As well, we had some discussion around preharvest testing. We’re revisiting those protocols. We’ll be looking at that early this spring and begin to put some protocols in place around those,” said York. “I feel like we’ve made a lot of positive steps forward towards addressing outbreaks of the past and potential causes of those as well as mitigation steps we could take to reduce those if not eliminate them.”

Listen to the radio report below.