
Regrow Vegetables from Your Scraps

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours

regrowHave you ever looked at the leftovers from some of your vegetables when you prepare a meal? The part of the carrot you are fixing to throw away and wonder if it would regrow? Or the portion if the head of lettuce? Cathy Isom tells you about the foods that you can regrow from scraps. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Regrow Vegetables from Your Scraps

When it comes to vegetables and produce, there are some foods that you can actually regrow just by saving the scraps. And you don’t even need a yard to make this happen. According to the National Institutes of Health, consumers are wasting 50-percent more food today than they did in 1970. Instead of wasting food, and also harming our planet, there ways to regrow these foods so you can keep eating them over and over and you’ll also be saving yourself some money.

For example, you can regrow Pineapple. It may take up to a year or two, but it’s possible. Onions, as well as green onions and also lemongrass, can be regrown from scraps simply by placing the roots in water.

Next time you cut up celery, take the base and place in a shallow bowl with water and place it on the window sill. Change the water every day and you’ll start to see regrowth from the top of the base.

Most lettuces, such as romaine, bok choy, and cabbage are also easy to grow. Just like the celery, place in shallow water in a bowl and change out the water every couple of days.

Probably the easiest vegetable to regrow, bean sprouts. Take about a tablespoon of beans, soak them in a jar with a few inches of water overnight. In the morning, drain the water and set the beans in a bowl and cover them with a towel. Rinse them every day and soon you’ll see the beans starting to sprout.

Other foods you can regrow: sweet potatoes, ginger, garlic, and carrots. So many possibilities and all of this can be done from the comfort of your kitchen.

I’m Cathy Isom…