
Reduced Risk FRAC 3 Fungicide Lends Itself to Exportability

Brian GermanNews from our Sponsors

Cevya fungicide became the first DeMethylation Inhibitor to receive a Reduced Risk classification from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The product can help combat a variety of diseases in grapes, tree fruit, and pome fruit. BASF Technical Service Representative Dr. Kevin Caffrey said the new active ingredient Revysol was developed with the global market in mind.

“We wanted strong activity, but we also needed a product that would fit some of the regulatory issues globally that we see with some of the other FRAC 3 products. This hit it perfectly,” said Caffrey. “When you start looking at some of these different export countries, most countries are already using this product which makes some of the export issues trying to work through the different MRLs a little bit smoother to really establish and make this a global product.”