Record Pistachio Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Tree, nut & vine crops

Record pistachio harvest
The pistachio harvest has wrapped up, and while it’s not quite as good as predicted, growers in California and three other states are still expecting a record crop.  The crop should come in around 550 million pounds for California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico, according to the American Pistachio Growers Association. About 98 percent of pistachios from those four states are grown in California. Pistachios have seen a rise in sales as well, thanks partially to a couple of studies that have highlighted the health benefits of the nuts.  Sabrina Hill has more.

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One study showed pistachios can help to lower blood glucose levels when eaten with some high carbohydrate foods. This can help diabetics keep control of their blood glucose levels. Another study showed pistachios can also help those with metabolic syndrome, because of their ability to help lower blood glucose levels.