
Are You Ready for the Migration of Hummingbirds

DanThis Land of Ours


Cathy Isom lets us know when we can expect the migration of hummingbirds again, and how to keep them around. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.



With the arrival of Spring and blooming flowers our little flying friends, the Hummingbirds, are sure to follow. Depending on where you live, you’ve probably already seen a few outside of your window. The spring arrival—or year-round presence—of hummingbirds in yards varies across the country.  For example In Florida and especially around the Gulf Coast, hummingbirds are likely to be present year-round, with both higher diversity and greater numbers of birds present in winter.  In the mountainous West, a variety of hummingbirds, including Broad-tailed, Black-chinned, Rufous, and Calliope, arrive in spring as the first flowers bloom.

In the Southwest and in the West up to British Columbia, hummingbirds are present year-round. And there are many ways to attract these little guys to your yard or patio so they’ll keep coming around. Including planting a garden that will cater to our nectar-loving friends. Or add a mister. Hummingbirds, like all birds, will regularly bathe if a ready supply of water is at hand. Or, leaving those cob webs alone since hummingbirds use spider webs as their main ingredient in their nests. You might also try tying a bright red or orange ribbon around a tree, branches, or anywhere near flowers or feeders. The bright colors will lure migrant hummingbirds down from the sky for a closer look.

And of course you can’t have too many hanging hummingbird feeders in your yard. Consult your local garden center for more ideas and to find native plants to help these Hummingbirds stick around.

I’m Cathy Isom…