Proposed ACP Quarantine Changes

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Pest Update

Asian citrus psyllid

Courtesy: UC ANR

ACP Quarantines May Change in Future, Creating a Risk of Spreading the Pest

Citrus leaders are holding meetings to discuss potential changes to future Asian citrus psyllid quarantine protocols. The proactive proposals aim to limit risks that will arise when those changes happen.

The Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program (CPDPP) says at some point, California will see some problems with the current Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) quarantines around the state. CPDPP says once the majority of the citrus producing areas in California are under quarantine, the state could deregulate those protocols and abide by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) quarantine rules. Under those rules, in-state citrus movement would not be regulated.

The Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Committee has formed a Statewide Quarantine Working Group (SQWG) to look at the possible impacts of quarantine changes. The SQWG concluded that unregulated movement of citrus throughout the state would pose too much of a risk of spreading ACP.

The SQWG has drafted some proposed changes if and when this were to happen and are holding scoping meetings about the issue in Tulare and Ventura Counties. The Tulare County meetings are taking place this week at the Tulare County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office. The Ventura County meeting will be held on May 13 at 9 a.m. at UC Cooperative Extension’s Ventura County Office. Stay with AgNet West to hear from the Tulare County Agricultural Commissioner. To find out more about the proposed quarantine changes you can head to the CPDPP’s website at