
Psyllid Parasitoid Releases Hit Milestone in CA

DanCitrus, Fruits & Vegetables

psyllid parasitoid

A magnified photo of tamarixia radiata, a tiny stingless wasp utilized in the Asian citrus psyllid program. The actual size of the wasp has been compared to fleas or particles of dust.
(Courtesy CDFA)

Asian citrus psyllid parasitoid releases have hit a total to celebrate in California. At first, rearing enough psyllid parasitic wasps called tamarixia seemed daunting in California. Getting populations established to reproduce was a challenge in 2011, but California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Victoria Hornbaker said the efforts have now hit an incredible milestone.

Hornbaker said the next step is to get parasitism rates and see how effective the wasps are.

Psyllid Parasitoid Releases Hit Milestone in CA

About the Author

Taylor Hillman