Prospective Plantings for 2016

DanCommodity Report, Industry News Release

The USDA-NASS, Pacific Regional Field Office today released the forecasts of field crop plantings for 2016. These forecasts, of acreage planted and to be planted, are based on a survey of more than 2,500 farmers in the region, conducted the first two weeks of March. The impact of weather and/or market conditions since the survey began is not reflected in this report.

Barley – California farmers had planted or intend to plant 80.0 thousand acres of barley, up 14 percent from the previous year.

Beans, Dry Edible – Seeding of dry edible beans was planned for 39.0 thousand acres in California, down 13 percent from last year. California farmers intend to plant 7.0 thousand acres of large chickpeas, 9 percent below the acreage seeded in 2015.

Corn – California farmers were expecting to plant 440 thousand acres of corn for all purposes in 2016, a 2 percent increase from last year. Nevada producers intend to plant 4,000 acres of corn, up 2,000 acres from a year ago.

Cotton – California farmers were intending to plant 45.0 thousand acres of Upland cotton in 2016, down 4 percent from the acreage seeded in 2015. If realized, upland cotton planted area in California for 2016 will be a record low. In addition, growers were expecting to seed 165 thousand acres of American Pima cotton in 2016, up 41 percent from last year.

Hay, All – California producers intend to harvest hay from 1.16 million acres, down 2 percent from last year. A record low for all hay harvested area is expected in California. Nevada hay growers plan to harvest 310 thousand acres, 3 percent less than a year ago.

Oats – Farmers in California had planted or were expecting to plant 85 thousand acres of oats, down 29 percent from last year. Record low planted acreage is estimated in California.

Rice – California farmers intend to seed rice on 427 thousand acres, 1 percent above the acreage seeded in 2015. The expressed intentions were to seed 390 thousand acres of medium grain varieties, 3 percent above last year. The long grain rice acreage forecast is 7.0 thousand acres, unchanged from last season. The short grain rice planted acreage forecast is 30.0 thousand acres, a decrease of 17 percent from a year ago. Short grain and all rice forecasts include the intended plantings of sweet rice.

Sugar Beets – California producers had planted or intended to plant 25.0 thousand acres of sugar beets, unchanged from the acreage seeded in 2015.

Sunflower – California farmers were expecting to plant 42.0 thousand acres of sunflowers for oil, up 27 percent from last year, and 1,400 acres of non-oil sunflowers, unchanged from 2015.

Spring Potatoes – California farmers were expecting to plant 26.0 thousand acres of sweet potatoes in 2016, up 13 percent from the acreage planted last year.

Sweet Potatoes – California farmers were expecting to plant 20.0 thousand acres of sweet potatoes in 2016, up 8 percent from the acreage planted last year.

Wheat – Acreage seeded to Winter wheat is forecast at 400 thousand acres in California, unchanged from last year. Another 60.0 thousand acres have been seeded to Durum wheat, 8 percent below the amount planted in 2015. Nevada wheat producers have seeded 12.0 thousand acres to Winter wheat, an increase of 50 percent, and plan to seed 6,000 acres of Spring wheat, an increase of 2,000 acres from a year ago.