The National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances for organic foods is receiving some changes. Generally natural substances are allowed in organic production while synthetic ones are prohibited, but there are certain exceptions. Based on recommendation from the National Organic Standards Board some allowable substances are being removed from the National List.

The 2022 amendments include the removal of vitamin B1 from crop production and procaine from livestock production. There are also 14 nonorganic ingredients that are being removed from organic handling. The final rule becomes effective on March 30 with compliance required over the next two years.
There is also a proposed rule to allow paper pots, seed tape, and collars used as planting aids in organic crop production to be added to the National List. The rule also proposes adding low-acyl gellan gum, a food additive used as a thickener, gelling agent, and stabilizer. Comments on the proposed amendments will be accepted through April 4.
Listen to the radio report below.