Proper Steps

Proper Steps to Safely Cut Down a Tree

DanForestry, This Land of Ours

The proper steps to safely cut down a tree.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Proper Steps
Forester or lumberjack man cuts down hardwood trees using his chainsaw in forest.
iStock Photo by Getty Images

The key to cutting your tree down is to make sure that the cut is on the fall side. This means that the tree will fall in the direction where you cut into it.

Aim to start the cut around hip height, as this is a comfortable height to work with. Any higher and you’ll likely tire out your arms. Any lower, you might injure your back. You’ll want to start with the top part of the wedge. Using a chainsaw, cut downward at a slow, steady angle until you’re about 1/3 of the way into the tree trunk. Remove the saw while it’s still on, and then make a straight cut a few inches below that. This one will be horizontal, parallel to the ground, and should meet the first cut about 1/3 of the way in. Remove the cut piece by hand and toss it to the side.

To take the tree down, walk around to the other side of the tree. You’ll be making a cut directly opposite the notch you’ve already created to make the tree fall. Cut downward at an angle again, aiming towards the notched cut. You’ll notice that the tree will begin to move. This is where you pull the saw away and retreat to a safe distance while keeping your eye on the tree and where it is falling.

Proper Steps to Safely Cut Down a Tree